Monday, 1 August 2016

Infinite Warfare: Why The Hate?

Hate In The Form Of a Game: Infinite Warfare!

Infinite warfare, as everyone may know, is one of the newest titles coming to Call Of Duty ( The other one being MW-Remastered). It is also one of the most hated games by our dying COD community. While many people don't realize it, the community is pretty much breathing its perhaps last breaths. at this moment, the community is so controversial, that it would be best to stay away from the triggered teenagers who can't live with a companies decision for there own product.

Why The Hate?
  1. The Developers: As we all know, Infinity Ward was the developer that made COD shine out and much more unique in a new way, which was loved by the FPS community at the time. COD 4, MW 2, and MW 3 were the games that made COD what it is now. This, however, still doesn't explain why Infinite Warfare is hated, if not understood. It's very simple at this point. Infinity Ward is pretty much, along with Trey arch, expected to produce one of the best titles for call of duty. However, the community didn't want a new title, and actually wanted a new Modern Warfare Title, which, along with how stubborn the community is, created an angry mob of old-time COD fans.
  2. The Community Itself: when COD Ghosts came out, which was the last boots to the ground game in 2013, the community went insane. They weren't happy with the idea that, out of everything, the campaign had a space-based theme. While this was not the main reason for the hate, it was one of the most significant.
  3. Apparently, the COD community say that they wanted a new boots to the ground game. After the infinite Warfare release, one wouldn't be able to imagine how irrational this community became. However, looks can be deceiving. The hate, at this point, is not because of the futuristic or inter galactic war-based theme, but the controversial community itself. Firstly, the multiplayer community is nothing but a joint network of 10 year old kids who got there hands on a PS4 or Xbox controller way too early. These kids may mostly comprise of jetpackers and what not, but some of them are mildly influenced by the popular opinions of the dying community. For example, once I invited this kid to my PS4 party chat, while me and some of my friends were chilling and playing Black Ops III. This kid was also playing Black Ops III, and we decided to ask him a few questions. Now this kid was actually 9 years old, but what's the point in differentiating between the two age groups when they still come under the category of 'kids'. So I took the initiative and I asked this kid about whether or not he likes the brand new title in the call of duty series called 'infinite warfare'. He started of his arguement with the usual... boots to the ground is love, boots the ground is life. Now, one very annoying part of the conversation was that he kept bringing up how the trailer had so many dislikes. I mean, it shouldn't matter right? But he kept talking about how boots to the ground is so great and how he loves them. I proceeded on with the stupidity I had indulged myself in and asked why this sorry excuse of a boots to the ground player is playing Black Ops III. And after I asked that, he mumbled a bit and left the party on the excuse that his dinner was ready
Perhaps the only community that is still rational about infinite warfare is the one and only zombies community. The only group of mature teenagers and relatively older audience. These people are in it for the fun and it may sound like my opinion about these guys is biased towards their favour, but can you blame me, it's so much fun to solve Easter eggs and survive for high rounds. 

I don't want to leave this article on such an arguement, but here are some facts about Infinite Warfare you probably don't know:

1. Infinite warfare is the 13th Call Of Duty Title and is probably the last boots off the ground call of duty.
2. Infinite warfare is the first game that Infinite Ward made and has a zombie map: Zombies in Space land.
3. Infinite warfare is the 3rd title in the Call Of duty series to introduce supply drops.
4. Infinite warfare does not have Coop campaign
5. Infinite warfare has about 25 prestiges
6. Infinite warfare is the only title to include a Remastered version of an old COD along with the whole game itself, within the same year. Meaning MWR is the only Remastered game by Call Of Duty and is the only game to be released alongside another Call Of Duty title.

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